

when will i learn?

walmart + two kids = insanity

i had a very short list of only four items i needed to run in and grab.  so, i gave myself a short pep-talk in the parking lot and in we went.

about five minutes later, sydney was beginning one of her all-time most impressive public meltdowns. 

houdini {aka mitchell} who's never met a shopping cart restraint he couldn't out-smart, was nearly standing up in his seat and throwing the good-n-plenty candies that i was using as a bribe all over the floor while shouting 'uh-oh'.

and just in case that wasn't enough to just tip me over right then and there...this sweet little elderly woman stops me on my way out of the store to tell me discretely that i have a dryer sheet hanging out of the bottom of my capri pants. 



Brooke said...

I can totally relate to that story...well all but the dryer sheet part..lol! Thanks for keeping it real, it makes me feel like I'm not alone in my everyday kiddy trials! Hugs to you..

lynette said...

oh my gosh! i feel for you! why do our kids always behave the worst out in public?

Angee Leishman said...

Oh no! I have to laugh because it's not me but I have been there & done that...minus the dryer sheet!

Heidi and Judd said...

So funny!! I'm glad I'm not alone feeling dumb in Walmart!

Nat B. said...

That's so funny, although I am sure it wasn't funny at the time. Hey, I didn't know you are a runner. A 10K, pretty awesome!! Do you run with Juleen and Elise?

Unknown said...

You are not alone. I promise! I was feeling like my kids were the only ones that become little devils the second we are in public.

Hailey said...

I am laughing so hard right now I have tears streaming down my face!!! I took Marley to the store with me once, she was screaming bloody murder, causing the biggest scene and pulling her hair out! A lady come up and asked me if she could finish my grocery shopping for me! Fun times, I feel for ya :)

The Lund's said...

Sounds a lot like my shopping trips. Mitch and Boston sound like two peas in a pod. Aren't boys so much different than girls? Boston's almost committed suicide a few times trying to bail out of a shopping cart. Let's hope they get easier. Just hang it there!

The Webb Family said...

That is both mordifying & hilarious! Glad everyone survived the shopping trip.