
the first half of my day.

has not gone well.

woke up with a horrendous sore throat.

add that to the raging sinus infection i've had for two weeks now.

called the ENT for an appointment and their earliest available was in three weeks, really?

settled for the PA who could see me right away.

spent about an hour in the waiting room doing a combo of, well, waiting and filling out about a thousand new patient forms and releases.

had to have my sinuses scoped {which i do believe is second in line after childbirth on my list of the most painful and unpleasant things you can experience in this life}.

went to pick up my prescriptions which, of course, weren't ready.

left pharmacy empty-handed.

on my way home, ran what i thought was an "orange" light. however, the police officer right next to me didn't see it that way and pulled me over.

thank goodness he must have sensed how my day was going and let me off with only a friendly reminder to be more careful {whew}!

ate seven "fun-sized" snicker bars for lunch.

wrote this post to vent my frustration....

and now i'm going to lie down.

the end.


Chanda said...

oh, my poor friend! Rest Up and Get Well! Tomorrow is a new month...And sure to be better for you! Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving!!

lynette said...

i'm so sorry! sounds like you had a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day! hope the chocolate helped and that you get well soon!

Brooke said...

Let it be said..when all else fails to brighten your way...
chocooolateee is there to save the day!! Hope you get feeling better soon.

Elise said...

It's gotta go up from here... right????

That's what I tell myself on "those kind of days". Dang those doctors!!!

Once I knew someone who couldn't go pee. It was August. Called Urology and they said they could see them mid-November. ReAlLy? Hold it for 3 months??? Really?

Heidi and Judd said...

Sounds like a "Monday" hope the rest of the week goes better!

Roberts Fam said...

ahh that sucks Jill hope things are better now!