
for a moment.

today i saw the most adorable three month old baby boy.

he had the most angelic little face, chubby cheeks and bright, happy eyes.

and for a moment i let my mind wander.

what if we had another?

and then, almost as if it were a sign from above, his binky fell out.

and he screamed for 15-20 minutes straight.

and the thought vanished.

at least for now...


These Are The Days said...

Oh don't you love those moments? I woke from a dream last night. I saw my little Haitian (is that a word?) daughter playing w/ Soph like sisters and smiling up at me. I'm still trying to process what to do w/ that.

Anonymous said...

After we lost our last baby and my fertility, I was, of course, inconsolable. My best friend gave me her new baby to hold at every opportunity to help fill my empty arms. After a few months had gone by and I really wasn't any better, she decided to start using humor. She would call me when the baby was screaming at 3 AM and ask if I wanted to come take care of him. ;) Only she could have done that for me!

Nat B. said...

Of course you and Mark should have more, you make to cute of kids not to!! :)
Sorry I never got back to you about Zumba. I go Tues. nights and some Thurs. nights at Desert Palms. They have lights up now so it gives you that party dance club, I'm not exercising feeling. Love it! We need to get Melanie to come :)

Steph said...

ha ha!!

so with you on those feelings.

and not sure what to do with them.

Alisa: a pina colada said...

That is too funny because I have an adorable 1 year old that reminds me daily I'm not fit to have more! He has the loudest scream I've ever heard from ANY BABY! SERIOUS! :) But, I do adore him. Love your post about Lady Gaga. I wish I could edit some of her music because me and my kids love to dance to her!

koodeker said...

hahaha! now you know how i feel EVERY time i see a baby. alas, i am not one to replenish the earth.

Cherish Stockdale said...

This is sooo funny!!!

Kellie Larsen said...

bwhahahahaha! that is great.

Jill K said...

Ha ha!

Every time I think that same thought, my own kids start screaming. It's great birth control.

I do love little babies, though. Maybe it's time I had another one...