
i can't be the only one.

who just doesn't get it.



Diane N. said...

Yikes! I'm with you! Are people so desperate for drama in their lives that they go for this crap? Sorry to any fans out there, but aren't there better ways to use your time (and mind)?

Jill K said...

i'm with you. these vampires are dorks.

Anonymous said...

Nope, you're not alone. I flatly refuse to engage myself in anything that makes my grown-women friends behave like 12 year-olds. Sheesh!

lynette said...

ditto, ditto, and ditto. vampire romance=cheese.

if you want a laugh, read this post from the husband of a twilight fan. hi-larious!

You Are My Fave said...

You aren't the only one. Did you see the Oprah with the entire cast and all the crazy fans? I about died when I saw the Twimoms and their obsessiveness. I yelled at the TV, "You're in your thirties with kids, just stop, it's embarrassing!"

The Venutis said...

HA!! The books are good I'll admit, but the fanaticism...I don't get it! And Edward is NOT cute!

Roberts Fam said...


Anonymous said...

I don't get it either. I have several girlfriends that are so enthralled with the books and movies. I try to steer clear of anything that has to do with vampires anyway, but the whole thing is just creepy to me. Especially the fact that even though the series is geared toward young teens- the creepier thing is the twenty and thirty somethings that love it. I heard that the books are pretty racy. I'd much rather read more uplifting books- not to be a prude, but seriously. Anyway, that's my two cents.

Oh and no we aren't doing gymnastics right now. I think we're going to do swimming for a while and then maybe in the fall when Miss Liv has better listening skills :) Is your girly still doing gymnastics?

Nat B. said...

You gals all crack me up. I will say, the books are WAY better than the movies. It's all in good fun!

Demarcus Family said...

hey now! You don't get it because you haven't tried it! :)
You haven't read the books!
The movies are lame-o, and I too am tired of all the hoopla!

Nat B. said...

amen Trish

Heidi and Judd said...

I'm with you!

Stephanie said...

I definitely don't get it. And I can tell from this post alone that I'm going to love your blog :) Thanks for your sweet comment. Have a great weekend!